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Chess Drills
Chess Drills

Chess Drills

BAFS 免费 0.00 2024-02-11

"EN" 4+ 2023-07-04T16:21:47Z 娱乐桌面游戏益智解谜


Chess Drills介绍

Have you ever blundered a piece because you didn't realise it was hanging? Or lost a position because you didn't notice a check or a capture? I'm sure you have. We all have. Just like we've all looked at a tactics problem and been unable to see the right move no matter how long we stare at it.

So what's the solution?

Doing drills to master the fundamentals.

There are a vast number of chess applications and websites that offer tactical puzzles of varying complexity. Yet surprisingly, they seem to avoid the core fundamentals:

- checking for undefended pieces, and

- considering the most elementary forcing moves: checks, captures and strong attacks.

Chess Drills focuses on these fundamentals.

Why? Because ultimately, these fundamentals are what decides the majority of beginner and intermediate chess games. Also, more complex tactics are built on these fundamental ideas.

So why do drills? Why not just make a mental checklist for each move and ensure that these items are on it?

Firstly, the human brain (including the brains of grandmasters) simply doesn't operate this way. We are pattern recognition machines. And second, if you've ever played a blitz or bullet game, or even gotten into time pressure in a standard game, you know that there is often no time for a mental checklist. These fundamentals need to pop when you look at the board. If they don't your rating will remain stagnant and you'll never improve.

That's where Chess Drills can help.

If your problem is you blunder too often, you need to train on the defensive drills.

If you find that you miss opportunities provided by your opponents, the attacking drills will help.

Spend time on all the drills on a daily basis, and you should see significant improvement in your chess ability.

版本更新内容:Minor enhancements, including GDPR-related updates.

Chess Drills截图

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  • Chess Drills截图2
  • Chess Drills截图3
  • 益智解谜


